Building academics’ SoTL capacity through a revised course on blended learning

Poster 4

Swee Kit, Alan Soong
National University of Singapore

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Tuesday 5 December 3pm – 3.45pm

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The digital poster session aims to provide an insight on how a blended learning course has been revised after the pilot run in 2016. Aside from equipping academics with knowledge and skills in designing and developing a prototype of a unit within a course, the course on blended learning also aims to build academics’ scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) capacity. The digital poster session will focus on the following areas in the revised course: (a) describes the changes made to the framework, (b) articulates how the revised course would be implemented in 2017, and (c) describes strategies on how to build SoTL capacity of academics in the revised course. The revised course is scheduled to be rolled out in the second half of 2017 and plans to carry out a study on the course will be shared at the poster session.

About the authors

Swee Kit, Alan Soong

Alan Soong is an Associate Director for Learning Design and Research at CDTL. He has been working in the area of academic development and the use of ICT for teaching and learning in higher education since 2002. Alan’s research interests include academic development and blended learning in higher education. He has also been actively serving as a member of the executive committee of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) since 2012.