Speed editing with an AJET editor
ASCILITE session
AJET Editorial Team
Catch this session
Tuesday 5 December, 12pm – 12.30pm
Stream 6
Room T125
This session gives you the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an AJET editor to discuss your draft paper or publishing idea. These short, sharp, speed editing sessions will allow prospective authors to discuss with a Lead Editor of AJET an idea for a paper that could be submitted to the journal. Sessions will last 15 minutes and can be booked through the registration desk at the conference. Some authors may have completed their draft paper or still be in the process of conducting their research. In either case, authors should be able to bring along a maximum one page summary of their proposed paper. In this summary please try to address each of these headings: (1) Proposed title, (2) Research problem, aim or question this study addresses, (3) Methodology, method, and materials, (4) Main results/findings – key points, (5) Key conclusions/implications – further research, theory, practice and/or policy.