Guess what!
The final program for ASCILITE 2017 is now live.

We are excited to bring you a diverse program with a range of different session types, from traditional concise and full papers to experimental sessions, lightning talks, and open fishbowls. We’re bringing you keynotes from the higher education sector and beyond, to ignite discussion on big ideas and issues that will impact our sector in the very near future. You’ll also have the opportunity to check out more than 20 digital posters. The program has been curated to create an engaging experience for delegates. You won’t be sitting in a lecture theatre for three days straight! Instead, the program will give you plenty of opportunities to participate.
And there’s more in store! Over the next few weeks, we’ll announce details of the social events, we’ll launch the conference app, and we’ll give you all the details about the conference gamification experience.
But you’ve only got just under a week to take advantage of the early bird registration rate. So don’t delay! Check out the program now, then head straight to the registration page to secure your spot at the conference.