Early birds and worms

You'd best move quickly if you want the early bird rate!
Public Domain image from www.pixabay.com

They do say early bird catches the worms! If you register before 30 October 2017, you can still catch the reduced fees.

Catching the early bird rate will ensure you don't miss out on any of our three fantastic keynotes.

Professor James Arvanitakis will tackle the persistent state of 'getting it wrong' that universities inhabit; and the tension between pedagogy and technology. Can there peaceful co-existence between the two?

Marita Cheng will provide insight to a robotics-driven future. This is not the science fiction of I, Robot, but a looming reality. Responses from higher education will be critical, and Marita explores how to create future-ready graduates.

Amber Case will look at the way the world is made of information that competes for our attention. She'll tackle questions like:

  • How does it affect us as individuals?
  • Does it help us learn or does it get in the way?
  • What are the implications for the way we learn and teach in tertiary education?
  • How does technology help us engage with community?

What do you think? Join your flock of peers at ASCILITE 2017, 4 – 6 December 2017 on the University of Southern Queensland's Toowoomba Campus.

Register now! Early bird closes 30 October 2017 so you've only got one week to go!

Spring’s here, and so is ASCILITE 2017 early bird registration

Take the plunge and join us at ASCILITE!
Public Domain image sourced from www.pixabay.com

Spring is here - at least for us down under in Australia! It's a time for renewal and the dreaded 'spring cleaning'. You might have started on your house or yard, but have you done a 'spring clean' of your professional learning closet yet?

Have you hung up the new curtains of learning and knowledge? Have you considered a new dietary requirement for your minds, hearts and/or for actions?

Don’t forget to make ASCILITE 2017 a part of your learning rejuvenation this spring! This year’s conference will be held at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland - the Garden City of Australia.

We have exciting keynote speakers lined up to nourish your mind and whet your appetite each morning, as you move on to the buffet of each stream. Not only do we have interesting and thought provoking papers, you will also get to connect with other like-minded peers and colleagues and network at a number of social events.

In the spirit of change, and renewal, perhaps it is time to consider registration to ASCILITE 2017 and look for fresh perspectives to fold into your practice.

Remember that the early bird registration offer only lasts for just under two weeks (until 23 October)!


ASCILITE 2017 wants you!

We're excited to announce that the ASCILITE 2017 call for participation is now live!

This year, there are nine different submission types, including three double blind peer reviewed submission types and six double peer reviewed submission types.

Submission types include the usual suspects: double blind peer reviewed concise papers, full papers, and digital posters.

Rather than curating a program of traditional 'sage on the stage' presentations, for this year's conference, we want to curate a program full of opportunities for engagement. This means we're looking for a diverse range of session types. You can submit a proposal for a

  • Debate
  • Lightning talk
  • Lightning round
  • Open fishbowl
  • Experimental session
  • Post conference workshop

Got something else in mind? We're open to other submission types. Just get in touch with us at ascilite2017@usq.edu.au to discuss.

More information on the submission types is available on the call for participation page. You should also check out the submission guidelines.

Submissions are due 22 May 2017.

We look forward to seeing what you come up with!