Learning analytics: What's in it for me (the teacher) and us (myself and my students)?

Lightning round

Cathy Gunn
University of Auckland

Claire Donald
University of Auckland

Jenny McDonald
University of Auckland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 2
Room R113


Like many emergent trends in learning technology the potential for learning analytics to benefit teaching and learning is being explored with promising results. However adoption is a slow process and the level of impact on practice is so far disappointing (O’Brien, 2016). Our research found that institutions, researchers and teachers have different perceptions and use different language to talk about learning analytics. We will briefly discuss why this lack of common discourse is a barrier to progress, and runs the risk of ending in more failed expectations such as those described in the annual Gartner Hype Cycle Reports .
In three short presentations, we will describe examples of learning analytics tools and strategies developed to promote their adoption in practice by teachers and learning designers. A guiding principle is to produce easy to use tools that teachers can use or adapt to their own practice (Datnow & Hubbard, 2016; Ferguson et al., 2016). The tools must also serve a useful purpose, e.g. by supporting common tasks or addressing common challenges, and aligning with familiar teaching and assessment cycles.
Links will be provided to the open source tools and creative commons licensed resources produced by a nationally funded learning analytics research project in New Zealand.

About the authors

Cathy Gunn

Cathy Gunn is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR) at the University of Auckland. She has been the Head of eLearning, Deputy Director, Acting Director and Principal Researcher, and produced more than 130 scholarly publications. She is an experienced learning technology researcher and an active contributor to international networks. She is a former President and life member of Ascilite.

Claire Donald

Claire Donald is a lecturer and learning designer at the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR) at the University of Auckland. She has 25 years’ experience as a learning designer and researcher in higher education, specifically in the fields of science and engineering education, MOOCs, teacher beliefs, learning analytics and learning design.

Jenny McDonald

Jenny McDonald is an independent researcher and a Research Associate at the Centre for Learning and Research (CLeaR), University of Auckland. Jenny has particular research interests in natural language processing techniques for formative feedback and learning analytics but she is broadly interested in the applications

Computer says no? Life literacies and digital literacies for LSES non-op students in a pre-tertiary program

Lightning talks 1

Susan Hopkins
University of Southern Queensland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 4
Room L209


This short talk by project leader Dr Susan Hopkins will introduce the HEPPP funded Life Literacies initiative and series of optional support workshops (within the USQ tertiary preparation program for non-OP and non-traditional students) launched at Toowoomba and Ipswich campuses of the University of Southern Queensland in teaching semester 2, 2017. The HEPPP funded 2017 Life Literacies project targets students from low socioeconomic areas who may be suffering from financial hardship. The program aims to make their journey through higher education less stressful, more empowering and more relevant to everyday life through innovative educational approaches and materials centred on essential ‘life literacies.’ These innovative approaches include the use of social media (and the Life Literacies closed group Facebook page) in teaching pre-tertiary students. In particular, this short talk will focus on the Digital Literacies workshop within the Life Literacies suite of enabling education workshops to consider the particular benefits and challenges of teaching digital literacy to low socio-economic, non-traditional, non-op students as part of a tertiary preparation program.

About the authors

Susan Hopkins

Susan Hopkins is a Lecturer in the Open Access College at the University of Southern Queensland, Ipswich campus. Her research interests include sociological approaches to the education of marginalised groups including incarcerated students and LSES students as well as critical cultural studies and media representations of gender and empowerment

Technology in prisons for learning: Making the Connection

Lightning talks 1

Helen Farley
University of Southern Queensland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 4
Room L209


The Australian Government Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program-funded project, Making the Connection, is taking digital technologies, that do not require internet access, into correctional centres to enable prisoners, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, to enroll in a suite of pre-tertiary and undergraduate programs. A version of the University of Southern Queensland’s learning management system has been installed onto the education server of participating correctional centres. The second stage of the project has seen notebook computers pre-loaded with course materials, allocated to participating prisoners. At the time of writing, the project has been deployed at thirty correctional centres in Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory with negotiations underway for further rollout to Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia late in 2017. It is expected that the technologies and processes developed for this project will enable the delivery of higher education to other cohorts without access to reliable internet access. This presentation presents an update of the project.

About the authors

Helen Farley

Associate Professor Helen Farley researches within the Digital Life Lab at the University of Southern Queensland. Her research interests include investigating the affordances of emerging digital technologies, including virtual worlds, augmented reality and mobile technologies, in formal and informal learning. She is passionate about digital inclusion and leads the $4.4 million Making the Connection project which introduces digital technologies into prisons to allow prisoners access to digital higher education. The project has attracted some 1500 course enrolments over five states and recently received an Australian Award for University Teaching for Programs that Enhance Learning. Associate Professor Farley has published extensively and is a featured speaker at both educational technology and corrections conferences.

Understanding students’ views on feedback to inform the development of technology-supported feedback systems

Concise paper

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Linda Corrin
University of Melbourne

Paula de Barba
University of Melbourne

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.10pm - 2.30pm
Stream 3
Room L206


In an increasingly expanding higher education system, students have routinely said that they don’t get enough access to feedback to support their learning. While this feedback loop is recognised as a critical issue, the growing use of technology as part of teaching and learning could provide some solutions to this problem. The emergence of the field of learning analytics has the potential to provide mechanisms for reducing some of the concerns students have about receiving feedback. However, a greater understanding of how learning analytics can be used to provide meaningful assessment feedback to students is needed.

This paper presents the initial findings from a study that investigated students’ preferences for the delivery of assessment feedback to improve their learning. The findings show that there is a diversity of student perspectives on what feedback is most useful for their learning which is influenced by the type of assessment, the discipline in which the assessment takes place, the year level of the student and the ability to compare performance to others. The outcomes of this study provide evidence of what students want when it comes to analytics-based feedback which can be used to inform the development of guidelines for how such feedback can be designed and delivered in higher education.

About the authors

Linda Corrin

Dr Linda Corrin is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education in the Williams Centre for Learning Advancement, Faculty of Business and Economics, at the University of Melbourne. In her current role, she provides support for curriculum development, delivery and assessment to staff in the faculty. Her research interests include students' engagement with technology, learning analytics, feedback, and learning design. Currently, she is working on several large research projects exploring how learning analytics can be used to provide meaningful and timely feedback to academics and students. Linda is member of the University of Melbourne’s Learning Analytics Research Group and co-founder of the Victorian and Tasmanian Learning Analytics Network. She is also a co-coordinator of the ASCILITE Learning Analytics Special Interest Group.

Paula de Barba

Paula de Barba is a Research Fellow in Higher Education with the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at The University of Melbourne. Her current research is in the areas of educational psychology and educational technology. Paula is interested on how students' cognition and emotions influence their learning, and how technology can support and promote learning. Constructs investigated include self-regulated learning, achievement motivation, interest, and feedback.

Using an e-authoring tool (H5P) to support blended learning: Librarians’ experience

Concise paper

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Sarika Singh
Victoria University

Kirstin Scholz
Victoria University

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 1.50pm - 2.10pm
Stream 2
Room R113


With an increasing emphasis on blended learning at Victoria University (VU), all the units are to be redesigned and delivered in a blended approach by the end of 2020. This presentation will outline VU librarians’ experience in the use of an open source e-authoring tool (H5P) to support the University’s blended learning strategy. We will discuss using the H5P tool to enhance library instructional videos and create interactive learning objects to support a specific unit. By using these enhanced resources, students are actively engaged with the content and can easily revisit and review at any time and are able to complete self-assessment activities at their own pace and receive immediate feedback on their performance.

Furthermore, this presentation will showcase various H5P learning objects created by Librarians that are reusable and shared with all VU staff, who can access from the learning objects library in VU’s learning management system (VU Collaborate). Instead of duplicating learning resources, teaching staff and other librarians are able to save time through reusing the learning objects/activities. In addition, we will outline the data that were accessible through VU Collaborate and feedback received from the teaching staff. The benefits of the tool outweigh the limitations and future plans are suggested to continue utilising this tool for the University’s First Year Model.

About the authors

Sarika Singh

Sarika Singh is a Scholarly Information Services librarian at Victoria University, Melbourne. She has completed her librarianship through Charles Sturt University and currently doing her Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education to further enhance her teaching and connect to the contemporary learning and teaching principles. She has been working in an academic library for the past 15 years in various roles and her current role is a liaison role providing high-level purposeful educational information support to the College of Sport & Exercise Science staff and students in a blended learning environment. She is leading the way at her library when it comes to designing, creating online, educational library learning resources/objects for students. Currently, she is involved with creating various learning objects in particular, videos and making those videos interactive using the H5P tool to support the University’s blended learning strategy.

Kirstin Scholz

Kirstin Scholz has been working as a librarian for a little over 4 years with experience in both the TAFE and University sectors. She currently works at Victoria University, Melbourne as the Scholarly Information Services librarian supporting the students and staff in the College of Health and Biomedicine. As a key part of her role, Kirstin plans, designs and delivers essential library research skills classes for the blended learning environment. Kirstin has just completed her Masters in Information Management and has an undergraduate degree in marketing and communications as well as a Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary). She previously worked in Business Development and Marketing roles in the corporate sector.

Visualising mixed reality simulation for multiple users

Concise paper

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Michael Cowling
CQUniversity Australia

James Birt
Bond University

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 1.50pm - 2.10pm
Stream 1
Room H102


Blended reality seeks to encourage co-presence in the classroom, blending student experience across virtual and physical worlds. In a similar way, Mixed Reality, a continuum between virtual and real environments, is now allowing learners to work in both the physical and the digital world simultaneously, especially when combined with an immersive headset experience. This experience provides innovative new experiences for learning, but faces the challenge that most of these experiences are single user, leaving others outside the new environment. The question therefore becomes, how can a mixed reality simulation be experienced by multiple users, and how can we present that simulation effectively to users to create a true blended reality environment? This paper proposes a study that uses existing screen production research into the user and spectator to produce a mixed reality simulation suitable for multiple users. A research method using Design Based Research is also presented to assess the usability of the approach.

About the authors

Michael Cowling

Dr Michael Cowling is an information technologist with a keen interest in educational technology and technology ubiquity in the digital age, and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering & Technology at CQUniversity Australia. He is currently a partner in an OLT Innovation and Development grant and is the recipient of 3 CQUniversity Learning and Teaching grants for teaching technology. He is a recipient of an Australian Government Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, and a three-time recipient of a CQUniversity Learning & Teaching Award.
Dr Cowling has a passion for the practical application of technology in the classroom, focusing on how technology can be weaved into the pedagogy of a classroom setting, rather than bolted on to the side. Living by the mantra “pedagogy before technology”, Michael helps teachers and academics to innovate with technology, leveraging it as a tool to improve the overall education process.

James Birt

James is an Assistant Professor of Interactive Media and Design in the Faculty of Society and Design at Bond University, where he runs the Mixed Reality Research Lab (www.mixedrealityresearch.com). His research spans computer science and visual arts, with an emphasis on applied design and development of interactive mixed reality (virtual reality, augmented reality, 3d printing, mobile) experiences assisting learning, skills acquisition and knowledge discovery. The distinctive contribution James brings to education scholarship is in digital media teaching and learning, where he received a 2014 Australian Office of Learning and Teaching citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. James utilises novel pedagogical approaches, curriculum and resources to balance the science and art predilections of his students, whilst supporting them with learning how to learn. His service to the university and wider community has formed around his experience in emerging technology, teaching and learning, where he takes an active role in supporting learners and peers through mentorship, presentations and expert judging.

Evaluating the sustainability of tablet devices in blended learning

Full paper

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Cynthia Nicholas Palikat
The University of Melbourne

Paul Gruba
The University of Melbourne

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 10.30am - 11am
Stream 4
Room L209


Blended approaches to teaching and learning and higher education often demand the provision of substantial investments in professional development, curriculum change and technological resources. Given the intense effort required for successful courses, focus has turned increasingly on the sustainability of blended learning in higher education. In this study, we adopt an argument based approach to the sustainable use of tablet computers in a university pathway course. After mapping out the argument with key stakeholders, we conduct a participatory action research project that takes into account observations, interviews and personal reflections. Results of the evaluation point to a ‘weak argument’ for the continued use of tablet computers that demonstrates their use is not sustainable. We conclude with suggestions to turn to issues of curricular alignment and further adoption of argument based evaluation for educational technology.

About the authors

Cynthia Nicholas Palikat

Cynthia Nicholas Palikat is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Melbourne. Her current research focuses on issues surrounding the sustainability of blended learning in the context of higher education. Her other research interests include educational technology, and language program evaluation.

Paul Gruba

Originally trained as a journalist, Paul Gruba has devoted much of his academic career on digital media literacies, blended learning and language assessment. His current work focuses on multimodal second language listening and language program evaluation.

Competence-based assessment and digital badging as guidance in vocational teacher education

Full paper

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Sanna Brauer
University of Lapland

Pirkko Siklander
University of Oulu

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 10.30am - 11am
Stream 3
Room L206


Digital pedagogy means applying new technologies to teaching and learning in online, hybrid and face-to-face learning environments. Digital open badges, a set of micro-credentials, support equal and egalitarian competence-based assessment models. Criterion-based digital badging combined with gamification promise learning solutions that have the potential to improve learning outcomes substantially. The aim of this study is to investigate how a competence-based assessment process in an open badge management system enhances learning and guides students to improved learning outcomes. The theoretical framework is focused on concepts of gamification and instructional badging.
Data were collected in 2016 from group interviews (n=6) of trained Finnish professional teachers (n=17) along with students in vocational teacher education (n=12) who earned 645 badges over one year in the Professional Development (PD) program, Learning Online.

Inductive thematic analysis revealed several significant features of competence-based assessment and badge management, which reflected the students' individual experiences of the optimal form and frequency of assessments, feedback, guidance and advice. The preliminary results of this study emphasise the importance of open study groups and the option of joining and leaving the learning network freely. Shared expertise and shared learning experiences increase cohesion within freely formed study groups. The results of this study show the challenges and opportunities involved in badge management from the perspective of digital guidance and gamification, providing additional insight into the design and development of badge-driven learning in the future. This paper suggests that researchers should consider using a badge management application as an environment to guide badge-driven learning.

About the authors

Sanna Brauer

Ms Sanna Brauer (PhD Researcher, Senior Lecturer) works in Oulu University of Applied Sciences, School of Vocational Teacher Education. Her expertise is in competence-based teacher education and gamified learning solutions. She is a passionate developer and at home with early adopters. She has developed teaching and learning processes and online environments for several institutions and degrees. Her doctoral dissertation deals with gamified professional development program for vocational teachers, aiming to enhance learning outcomes based on digital badging. Earlier, she has co-ordinated development of vocational education and learning environments for the National Board of Education in Finland. (home page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sannabrauer/)

Pirkko Siklander

Ms Pirkko Siklander (PhD, Docent, University Researcher) works in the University of Oulu, in the LET (Learning, Education and Technology) research team. Her expertise is in technology-enhanced and collaborative learning and teaching in different age groups, and teacher education programmes. She runs international LET Master’s Degree Programme. In addition, she has developed teaching and learning processes, where playfulness and creative collaboration are employed and studied. Her doctoral dissertation deals with affordances of playful learning environment. Earlier, she worked as an Associate Professor in collaborative learning and diverse learning environments in the University of Lapland. (home page: https://pirkkohyvonen.wordpress.com/

Micro-credentialing is the future of higher education


Ekaterina Pechenkina
Swinburne University of Technology

Juliet Buchanan
Swinburne University of Technology

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 3
Room L206


The debate features an education researcher and a learning designer coming together to discuss pros and cons of micro-credentialing. Traditionally understood as an alternative credentialing practice, micro-credentialing draws on the principles of the competency-based approach and employs various micro-rewards (e.g. digital badges) to signify learner achievements, such as mastering a skill or gaining knowledge of a particular subject. Micro-credentialing can also be understood more broadly as a dis/re-aggregation of learning process, in which students are allowed greater control over their educational pathway choices. In addition to discussing benefits and challenges associated with increased student control over their learning, the debate addresses other matters of relevance to micro-credentialing, such as universities’ responsiveness to student expectations and how micro-credentialing can be used to improve graduate outcomes in alignment with industry specific needs. The learning designer will debate the affirmative side and the academic will debate the negative side of micro-credentialing, leaving it up to the audience to decide who makes the most convincing argument.

About the authors

Ekaterina Pechenkina

Dr Katya (Ekaterina) Pechenkina is Research Fellow at the Learning Transformations Unit, Swinburne University of Technology. Katya holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Melbourne and several other degrees. She was a 2003-2004 International Research and Exchange Board fellow at the California State University Bakersfield, where she majored in sociology. Anthropologist and education researcher, Katya’s research interests encompass the discourses of technology, innovation, teaching excellence, and Indigenous experiences in higher education. Katya has published widely and serves as a peer reviewer for several major journals, conferences and publishers. Katya is a member of the teaching team delivering Swinburne’s Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education): she convenes and teaches a unit focusing on scholarly teaching designed to help academic staff to explore, evaluate and improve their teaching practices. Katya is an avid social media user and can be found on Twitter @DrKatya_Pech and Facebook @DrKatyaPech

Juliet Buchanan

Ms Juliet Buchanan is a Senior Learning Designer based at Learning Transformations Unit, Swinburne University of Technology. Juliet obtained a Master of Education from the University of Melbourne (2011), a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Education, The University of Melbourne, 1999 and a Bachelor of Arts (Education), Deakin University. Juliet has a broad range of educational experience in a range of institutions including learning design at Monash and Swinburne universities; learning design experience in Australasian specialist medical colleges, RACMA, RVTS and RACS; teaching experience in primary schools, TAFE and industry experience, training Flight Attendants at QANTAS. Juliet has experience across institutions and in industry designing and creating LMS and online modules.

Collaboration and technology for engaging online learning

Lightning talks 1

Sarah Cahill
University of Southern Queensland

Stephanie Forbes
University of Southern Queensland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 4
Room L209


In response to the changing landscapes of higher education in rural and remote areas, the University of New England Library developed the eSkills 2.0 project. The aim of the project was to create a durable and responsive online learning presence that was socially inclusive while providing an equitable and meaningful educational experience. Academics, Academic Skills Support and Librarians collaborated in the identification of information and research skills gaps for the development and review of interactive learning materials.

To create timely, stable and engaging online learning, a variety of technology tools were investigated for use in the project. The primary tools selected for use included Articulate Storyline for its comprehensive solutions to interactive content creation in conjunction with Camtasia Studio for professional video and screencast editing facilities. TouchCast was ideal for creating just-in-time support and response with social media providing the perfect platform for rapid promotion and dissemination.

The eSkills 2.0 project incorporated a two-tiered approach. The first approach was the creation of timely, topic-focused library QuickTips. The second was the development of a comprehensive, enduring suite of library and research skills based modular learning materials that could be adapted, embedded and re-used as necessary.

This presentation will offer an overview of the project with a brief discussion of success, failures and future recommendations. The outcomes of this project will prove beneficial for anyone with an interest in implementing asynchronous online learning strategies to effectively support students in a 24/7 educational environment.

About the authors

Sarah Cahill

Sarah Cahill has worked in academic libraries in Australia for eight years providing specialised support in a range of areas including Health and Law. Sarah has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and a Masters of Information Technology. Sarah has undertaken training in eLearning Course development with B Online Learning, including Master eLearning and advanced user training in Articulate Storyline software.

Stephanie Forbes

Stephanie Forbes has worked in academic and public libraries for over fifteen years both in Australia and in the UK. Stephanie has a strong interest in online learning in the educational environment. She has a Bachelors Degree in Arts, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies. Stephanie has also undertaken training in eLearning Course development with B Online Learning, including Master eLearning and advanced user training in Articulate Storyline software.