Transforming exams: How IT works for BYOD e-exams

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Mathew Hillier
Monash University

Andrew Fluck
University of Tasmania

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.10pm - 2.30pm
Stream 4
Room L209


This paper focuses on the 'IT' side of a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) based e-Exam system developed as part of an Australian government funded project ( The context for the use of our e-Exam solution is the supervised space of the exam room. A key element of the work is to enable authentic forms of assessment. To this end we have designed the solution to allow complex constructed problems that can be addressed using a range of contemporary 'e-tools of the trade'. The system works with BYOD where students boot their own laptop using a specially crafted USB stick that contains a standardised operating system and a suite of applications. By giving teachers and students access to contemporary software tools we are providing the opportunity to greatly expand the pedagogical landscape of the exam room encouraging more authentic assessment practices.

The paper provides technical details of both the e-Exam USBs used for the student test environment and newly developed tools used to streamline the deployment of exam data and retrieval of student responses. A phased strategy is outlined for moving from paper based exams via paper-equivalent e-exams through to post-paper exams involving multimedia, a range of software applications, quiz engine and then onto whitelisted network resources and fully logged Internet access enabled during an exam. The roles of groups (Us-s) and individuals (Me-s) within the process of running an e-exam are outlined by comparing current paper-based exam workflows and that of e-exams to provide a richer description of the approach.

About the authors

Mathew Hillier

Dr Mathew Hillier is a Senior Lecturer in the Office of Learning and Teaching at Monash University. Mathew is one of two co-leaders of the ASCILITE SIG for 'e-Assessment' and in this capacity is a co-host of the Transforming Assessment webinar series along with Prof Geoffrey Crisp.

He specialises in e-assessment and e-exams and teaches into the academic staff development program at Monash University leading the 'technology and space' theme. He has previously taught into Business, Information systems, Engineering and Arts programs at several universities in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Mathew is currently the leader of the 'Transforming Exams' project developing a toolset for authentic, computerised, high-stakes assessment (e-Exams). The project covers 10 university partners and is funded by a half-million dollar Australian government grant. He is also leading the development of a multi-language computerised exam platform for use in national professional translator accreditation. More about Mathew at

Andrew Fluck

Dr Andrew Fluck is a Senior Lecturer in Information Technology in the Faculty of Education at University of Tasmania.

Dr. Fluck trained as a teacher in Bristol, England. He has taught science, mathematics and computing in Nigeria, England and Australia. His numerous publications reflect his research interests in the transformational potential of computers in education. He was a co-author of the government report 'Making Better Connections' and the book 'Seven steps to ICT integration'. His funded research investigates the use of computers to teach integral calculus and quantum mechanics in primary schools; and eExaminations, where students take their own computers into the exam hall. He is a past secretary of the Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) and is now the chair of Working Group 3.3 (research into educational applications of information technologies) for IFIP/UNESCO. Andrew is also an avid longbow archer and continental archery judge. Andrew's website

Generating learning through the crowd: The role of social media practices in supporting students as producers at scale

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Peter Bryant
London School of Economics and Political Science

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 11am - 11.30am
Stream 3
Room L206


Social media and higher education pedagogy have enjoyed a chequered relationship with significant debates about the efficacy of social media as a site of student centred learning, the manager/host of an individual’s learning trajectory and as a tool of facilitating collaborative learning at scale. This paper presents the findings from the evaluation of Constitution UK, an innovative civic engagement and open learning project run by the London School of Economics in the UK. This was the lead initiative in an institution wide shift in pedagogical approach that was designed to transform the learning experiences of students through supporting students to be co-producers of knowledge. The Students as Producers project (SAP@LSE) was aligned to the School’s learning experiences curricular enhancement objectives, which sought to transform the student experience from primarily didactic to one that prepared the learner for the challenges of work and practice and engaged them in their own learning, through making. The LSE have been engaged in a number of projects that use crowdsourcing and citizenship as a catalyst for learning. The core principle behind these initiatives is that learning is a complex and agile process in the post-digital age and can be significantly enhanced through student led community learning, peer learning and informal learning. Wanting to engage our students more actively in the shaping of their study, their learning and their career, we designed a linked series of projects inform to varying degrees by social media practices. We argue that some of the behaviours inherent in social media learning (centred on fleeting connections, digital identity and discontinuous engagement) can create the conditions for effective learning through experience and practice, both at scale in open, online modes as well in the face-to-face delivery environment.

About the authors

Peter Bryant

Peter Bryant is the Head of Learning Technology and Innovation at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He leads programmes and initiatives to transform the educational experience at the LSE through the innovative use of technology and digital pedagogies. His team recently won the Overall Gold Award for innovative pedagogy at the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education awards. He was previously a Principal Lecturer in Educational Technology and Development at the University of Greenwich. Prior to this role, Peter had over twenty years’ experience as a lecturer, Director of Programmes, Head of Department and curriculum designer, working into two countries and teaching programmes from work based learning, marketing, media and management. Peter is the co-founder of the Future Happens initiative which uses innovative approaches to problem-solving and change management to engage the wider sector in debates around technology, pedagogy and the future of the University.

From how to why: Student experiences of a university’s technology-enhanced learning over five years

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Carol Russell
Western Sydney University

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 11.30am - 12pm
Stream 4
Room L209


This is a longitudinal case study of student perspectives on Western Sydney University’s strategic initiatives to promote technology-enhanced learning (TEL) from 2012 to 2017. The study analyses data from students throughout this period, and includes consideration of how the student experience is being shaped by academic and institutional support for TEL. Initially the university focus was on use of mobile technologies and ‘blended’ learning environments; as a platform for transforming pedagogy. In 2013, teaching staff and new undergraduate students were issued with tablet devices. As well as investing in the devices and supporting campus infrastructure, the institution also provided additional support for curriculum and staff development. For two years, students’ feedback about the tablets was overwhelmingly positive about their value for learning. In 2015, most undergraduates had tablet devices and TEL was becoming business as usual. However, the evaluation feedback that year showed that use of tablets had begun to decrease and there was a corresponding increase in use of smartphones. For some activities, laptops were preferred. In 2016, multiple types of device were issued to students, with some disciplines choosing laptops and in 2017 the University provided free digital textbooks instead of devices. Students’ use of different devices for learning activity has been shifting and evidence gathered internally from students and staff has played a role in adapting to this. While TEL strategies differ between universities, the analysis provides an example of how systematic evaluation evidence can support systemic adaptation as the learning technology environment changes.

About the authors

Carol Russell

Carol Russell is currently a Senior Lecturer in the central Learning Transformations team at Western Sydney University. In this role she has been coordinating the educational evaluation of institutional technology-enhanced learning initiatives.

Understanding students’ views on feedback to inform the development of technology-supported feedback systems

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Linda Corrin
University of Melbourne

Paula de Barba
University of Melbourne

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.10pm - 2.30pm
Stream 3
Room L206


In an increasingly expanding higher education system, students have routinely said that they don’t get enough access to feedback to support their learning. While this feedback loop is recognised as a critical issue, the growing use of technology as part of teaching and learning could provide some solutions to this problem. The emergence of the field of learning analytics has the potential to provide mechanisms for reducing some of the concerns students have about receiving feedback. However, a greater understanding of how learning analytics can be used to provide meaningful assessment feedback to students is needed.

This paper presents the initial findings from a study that investigated students’ preferences for the delivery of assessment feedback to improve their learning. The findings show that there is a diversity of student perspectives on what feedback is most useful for their learning which is influenced by the type of assessment, the discipline in which the assessment takes place, the year level of the student and the ability to compare performance to others. The outcomes of this study provide evidence of what students want when it comes to analytics-based feedback which can be used to inform the development of guidelines for how such feedback can be designed and delivered in higher education.

About the authors

Linda Corrin

Dr Linda Corrin is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education in the Williams Centre for Learning Advancement, Faculty of Business and Economics, at the University of Melbourne. In her current role, she provides support for curriculum development, delivery and assessment to staff in the faculty. Her research interests include students' engagement with technology, learning analytics, feedback, and learning design. Currently, she is working on several large research projects exploring how learning analytics can be used to provide meaningful and timely feedback to academics and students. Linda is member of the University of Melbourne’s Learning Analytics Research Group and co-founder of the Victorian and Tasmanian Learning Analytics Network. She is also a co-coordinator of the ASCILITE Learning Analytics Special Interest Group.

Paula de Barba

Paula de Barba is a Research Fellow in Higher Education with the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at The University of Melbourne. Her current research is in the areas of educational psychology and educational technology. Paula is interested on how students' cognition and emotions influence their learning, and how technology can support and promote learning. Constructs investigated include self-regulated learning, achievement motivation, interest, and feedback.

Us and IT: Capacity-building for blended learning - an intersection between educator, pedagogy, and technology

Concise paper

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Kaye Cleary
Victoria University

Gayani Samarawickrema
Victoria University

Sally Gauci
Victoria University

Catch this session

Tuesday 5 December, 11am - 11.20am
Stream 5
Room C204


When Victoria University (VU) Australia, adopted a new learning management system (LMS) as part of its Blended Learning Strategy and Operational Plan in 2014, it introduced a range of support structures including a staff support and training program. Complementing this, the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (the course providing professional development for early career academic staff) offered an elective AET4010 Blended Learning Design and Development fusing the pedagogical and theoretical aspects of blended learning to foster teaching as a design science. In this study we investigate the effectiveness of AET4010 in developing participants’ capacity to design and, develop blended learning.

In this paper we report on the data from the first stage of this investigation. Data is derived from assessment rubrics. Complementary qualitative data will be collected in the second stage via interviews conducted after the participants complete the unit. We analyse our findings against the JISC Building Digital Capability Framework mapped to the UK Professional Standards Framework. This Framework identifies early career academics’ capabilities (Associate Fellows). The emerging findings indicated the value of capacity building through a structured unit of study enabling participants to experience learning from their own learner’s standpoint while reflecting on pedagogical perspectives and ‘teaching as design’.

About the authors

Kaye Cleary

Kaye Cleary coordinates Victoria University’s Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education, one facet of her wider brief of Professional Development Coordination. She has taught online for eleven years and in a blended mode of on-campus and on-line learning for four years. Professional development initiatives for academics moving into teaching in an online environment has been a focus of her research.

Gayani Samarawickrema

Gayani Samarawickrema is an Educational Developer at Victoria University with research interests in learning and teaching with technology.

Sally Gauci

Sally Gauci is an Educational Developer at Victoria University. She is the unit coordinator of AET4010 Blended Learning Design and Development, an elective unit in the Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education. Her recent work involves supporting university learning and teaching initiatives in the discipline area of Health and Biomedicine.

Flipping diverse classrooms: Instructor experiences and perceptions

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Ekaterina Pechenkina
Swinburne University of Technology

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 11am - 11.30am
Stream 2
Room R113


Flipped Classroom is a pedagogical approach in which all or some of direct instruction is moved outside of the face-to-face environment to dedicate more in-class time to ‘hands-on’, experimental and engaging activities. Usually enabled by educational technology, the Flipped Classroom approach draws on the ‘active learning’ philosophy which implies that students must share responsibility for their learning with their instructors, resulting in more impactful learner behaviours. Considering university classrooms are increasingly diverse, with international students forming a significant cohort of learners, instructor perceptions of internationals students in Flipped Classrooms are of interest. This is particularly important because international students, especially those from Asian countries, can be perceived by instructors as ‘passive’ learners’ regardless of students’ actual skills, learning preferences and goals. This presumed ‘passivity’ may clash with instructors’ goals, potentially creating tensions-filled dynamics between instructors and international students in Flipped Classrooms. The proposed article explores university instructors’ perceptions of international students in technology-enabled Flipped Classrooms to understand how these perceptions may influence instructors’ choices for the design of the flip. Findings demonstrate that while some instructors view international students as a barrier to impactful Flipped Classroom, others draw on their classroom’s diversity, using it as a source of inspiration, and designing the flip with international students in mind.

About the authors

Ekaterina Pechenkina

Dr Katya (Ekaterina) Pechenkina is Research Fellow at the Learning Transformations Unit, Swinburne University of Technology. Katya holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Melbourne and several other degrees. She was a 2003-2004 International Research and Exchange Board fellow at the California State University Bakersfield, where she majored in sociology. Anthropologist and education researcher, Katya’s research interests encompass the discourses of technology, innovation, teaching excellence, and Indigenous experiences in higher education. Katya has published widely and serves as a peer reviewer for several major journals, conferences and publishers. Katya is a member of the teaching team delivering Swinburne's Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education): she convenes and teaches a unit focusing on scholarly teaching designed to help academic staff to explore, evaluate and improve their teaching practices. Katya is an avid social media user and can be found on Twitter @DrKatya_Pech and Facebook @DrKatyaPech

Collaboration and technology for engaging online learning

Lightning talks 1

Sarah Cahill
University of Southern Queensland

Stephanie Forbes
University of Southern Queensland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 4
Room L209


In response to the changing landscapes of higher education in rural and remote areas, the University of New England Library developed the eSkills 2.0 project. The aim of the project was to create a durable and responsive online learning presence that was socially inclusive while providing an equitable and meaningful educational experience. Academics, Academic Skills Support and Librarians collaborated in the identification of information and research skills gaps for the development and review of interactive learning materials.

To create timely, stable and engaging online learning, a variety of technology tools were investigated for use in the project. The primary tools selected for use included Articulate Storyline for its comprehensive solutions to interactive content creation in conjunction with Camtasia Studio for professional video and screencast editing facilities. TouchCast was ideal for creating just-in-time support and response with social media providing the perfect platform for rapid promotion and dissemination.

The eSkills 2.0 project incorporated a two-tiered approach. The first approach was the creation of timely, topic-focused library QuickTips. The second was the development of a comprehensive, enduring suite of library and research skills based modular learning materials that could be adapted, embedded and re-used as necessary.

This presentation will offer an overview of the project with a brief discussion of success, failures and future recommendations. The outcomes of this project will prove beneficial for anyone with an interest in implementing asynchronous online learning strategies to effectively support students in a 24/7 educational environment.

About the authors

Sarah Cahill

Sarah Cahill has worked in academic libraries in Australia for eight years providing specialised support in a range of areas including Health and Law. Sarah has a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and a Masters of Information Technology. Sarah has undertaken training in eLearning Course development with B Online Learning, including Master eLearning and advanced user training in Articulate Storyline software.

Stephanie Forbes

Stephanie Forbes has worked in academic and public libraries for over fifteen years both in Australia and in the UK. Stephanie has a strong interest in online learning in the educational environment. She has a Bachelors Degree in Arts, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies. Stephanie has also undertaken training in eLearning Course development with B Online Learning, including Master eLearning and advanced user training in Articulate Storyline software.

Using an e-authoring tool (H5P) to support blended learning: Librarians’ experience

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Sarika Singh
Victoria University

Kirstin Scholz
Victoria University

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 1.50pm - 2.10pm
Stream 2
Room R113


With an increasing emphasis on blended learning at Victoria University (VU), all the units are to be redesigned and delivered in a blended approach by the end of 2020. This presentation will outline VU librarians’ experience in the use of an open source e-authoring tool (H5P) to support the University’s blended learning strategy. We will discuss using the H5P tool to enhance library instructional videos and create interactive learning objects to support a specific unit. By using these enhanced resources, students are actively engaged with the content and can easily revisit and review at any time and are able to complete self-assessment activities at their own pace and receive immediate feedback on their performance.

Furthermore, this presentation will showcase various H5P learning objects created by Librarians that are reusable and shared with all VU staff, who can access from the learning objects library in VU’s learning management system (VU Collaborate). Instead of duplicating learning resources, teaching staff and other librarians are able to save time through reusing the learning objects/activities. In addition, we will outline the data that were accessible through VU Collaborate and feedback received from the teaching staff. The benefits of the tool outweigh the limitations and future plans are suggested to continue utilising this tool for the University’s First Year Model.

About the authors

Sarika Singh

Sarika Singh is a Scholarly Information Services librarian at Victoria University, Melbourne. She has completed her librarianship through Charles Sturt University and currently doing her Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education to further enhance her teaching and connect to the contemporary learning and teaching principles. She has been working in an academic library for the past 15 years in various roles and her current role is a liaison role providing high-level purposeful educational information support to the College of Sport & Exercise Science staff and students in a blended learning environment. She is leading the way at her library when it comes to designing, creating online, educational library learning resources/objects for students. Currently, she is involved with creating various learning objects in particular, videos and making those videos interactive using the H5P tool to support the University’s blended learning strategy.

Kirstin Scholz

Kirstin Scholz has been working as a librarian for a little over 4 years with experience in both the TAFE and University sectors. She currently works at Victoria University, Melbourne as the Scholarly Information Services librarian supporting the students and staff in the College of Health and Biomedicine. As a key part of her role, Kirstin plans, designs and delivers essential library research skills classes for the blended learning environment. Kirstin has just completed her Masters in Information Management and has an undergraduate degree in marketing and communications as well as a Graduate Diploma of Education (Primary). She previously worked in Business Development and Marketing roles in the corporate sector.

Technology-enhanced learning collaboratives: A faculty development initiative for the science, medicine, and health disciplines

Lightning talks 2

David Bruce Porter
University of Wollongong

Helen Jamieson
University of Wollongong

Adrian Moody
University of Wollongong

Catch this session

Tuesday 5 December, 12pm - 12.30pm
Stream 3
Room L206


The University of Wollongong Faculty of Science, Medicine, and Health is interested in the strategic integration of technology. Using Wenger and Lave’s Communities of Practice as the foundation, SMAH has launched the Technology-Enhanced Learning Collaboratives (TELCs). Each of the four TELCs takes an academic-centred, blended learning approach to addressing topics in technology-enhanced learning and teaching. Evaluation of the TELCs will employ measures of academic engagement, academic surveys, and individual community outcomes. This presentation provides an overview of the TELCs and a status report of their progress.

About the authors

David Bruce Porter

Dr David Bruce Porter is Manager: Educational Technology in the University of Wollongong Faculty of Science, Medicine, & Health. David leads of team of technology-enhanced learning specialists to support and empower academics to use technology to innovate and transform student learning. David’s interests include educational technology leadership, academic support and development, and educational design.

Helen Jamieson

Mrs. Helen Jameson is the Educational Developer in the University of Wollongong Faculty of Science, Medicine & Health Educational Technology Team. Helen has a diverse background, including applied experience in the primary and tertiary education sectors. Prior to joining the team, Helen taught Web Design and Computer Support for TAFE Illawarra. Helen’s interests include Web, graphics, and multimedia design and Moodle and game development.

Adrian Moody

Mr Adrian Moody is the in the University of Wollongong Faculty of Science, Medicine & Health Educational Technology Team. In addition to 10 years as an instructor of Business Administration and Information Technology, Adrian’s diverse experience includes extensive time in both the complementary health and the entertainment sectors. Prior to joining UOW, Adrian worked in Digital Learning Services for TAFE Online where he wrote, created, and uploaded content.

Visualising mixed reality simulation for multiple users

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Michael Cowling
CQUniversity Australia

James Birt
Bond University

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 1.50pm - 2.10pm
Stream 1
Room H102


Blended reality seeks to encourage co-presence in the classroom, blending student experience across virtual and physical worlds. In a similar way, Mixed Reality, a continuum between virtual and real environments, is now allowing learners to work in both the physical and the digital world simultaneously, especially when combined with an immersive headset experience. This experience provides innovative new experiences for learning, but faces the challenge that most of these experiences are single user, leaving others outside the new environment. The question therefore becomes, how can a mixed reality simulation be experienced by multiple users, and how can we present that simulation effectively to users to create a true blended reality environment? This paper proposes a study that uses existing screen production research into the user and spectator to produce a mixed reality simulation suitable for multiple users. A research method using Design Based Research is also presented to assess the usability of the approach.

About the authors

Michael Cowling

Dr Michael Cowling is an information technologist with a keen interest in educational technology and technology ubiquity in the digital age, and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering & Technology at CQUniversity Australia. He is currently a partner in an OLT Innovation and Development grant and is the recipient of 3 CQUniversity Learning and Teaching grants for teaching technology. He is a recipient of an Australian Government Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, and a three-time recipient of a CQUniversity Learning & Teaching Award.
Dr Cowling has a passion for the practical application of technology in the classroom, focusing on how technology can be weaved into the pedagogy of a classroom setting, rather than bolted on to the side. Living by the mantra “pedagogy before technology”, Michael helps teachers and academics to innovate with technology, leveraging it as a tool to improve the overall education process.

James Birt

James is an Assistant Professor of Interactive Media and Design in the Faculty of Society and Design at Bond University, where he runs the Mixed Reality Research Lab ( His research spans computer science and visual arts, with an emphasis on applied design and development of interactive mixed reality (virtual reality, augmented reality, 3d printing, mobile) experiences assisting learning, skills acquisition and knowledge discovery. The distinctive contribution James brings to education scholarship is in digital media teaching and learning, where he received a 2014 Australian Office of Learning and Teaching citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. James utilises novel pedagogical approaches, curriculum and resources to balance the science and art predilections of his students, whilst supporting them with learning how to learn. His service to the university and wider community has formed around his experience in emerging technology, teaching and learning, where he takes an active role in supporting learners and peers through mentorship, presentations and expert judging.