A Community of Inquiry approach to learning design in a community-engaged learning program

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Brahm Marjadi
Western Sydney University

Kashmira Dave
Western Sydney University

Glenn Mason
Western Sydney University

Catch this session

Tuesday 5 December, 11.40am - 12pm
Stream 5
Room C204


The Medicine in Context (MiC) program is the flagship community-engaged learning and teaching program at the Western Sydney University School of Medicine. MiC students attend placements at community organisations, General Practice clinics and face-to-face tutorials and lectures for two 5-week blocks. Responding to students’ lack of engagement and preference for more flexible delivery modes, a blended learning approach using the Community of Inquiry framework to guide the design has been gradually introduced since 2014. The MiC webpage was revised to simplify access to key information and resources. Five lectures were transformed into online modules and one workshop was converted into a flipped classroom. Multi-media open educational resources were added to replace some reading materials. Online “Weekly Study Guide” scaffolds, paces and aligns students’ self-directed learning with MiC learning outcomes. Moving program evaluation and some assessments to an online platform enables more timely feedback. These developments have resulted in novel, engaging learning activities. Preliminary evaluation indicates students’ greater engagement with the MiC program and deeper levels of learning indicated by increased levels of reflection and the demonstration of MiC learning outcomes being satisfied.

About the authors


Brahm Marjadi

Brahmaputra (Brahm) Marjadi is the Senior Lecturer in Community Engaged Learning at Western Sydney University School of Medicine. Brahm convenes the Medicine in Context program where Year 3 students (of the 5-year undergraduate MBBS curriculum) spend two blocks of 5-week placements at community services and General Practice clinics to learn about Social Determinants of Health and how health is maintained and managed outside the hospital setting. Brahm was trained as a General Practitioner in Indonesia and obtained Master of Public Health and PhD in Community Medicine from UNSW Australia. Brahm has been a lecturer in medicine, nursing, pharmacy and public health in Indonesia 1996, and in medicine and public health in Australia since 2006. Brahm is a mixed-methods researcher in infectious and non-communicable disease prevention and control, community engagement, medical education and research translation across cultures and in low-resource settings.

Kashmira Dave

Kashmira is a senior lecturer in medical education (blended learning) in the Medical Education Unit, School Of Medicine at Western Sydney University. Her main work in the school is to lead the team developing the curriculum mapping (Roadmap) tool. Kashmira has wide experience in the area of learning design and teaching and learning in higher education. She has taught numerous courses mainly in the area of research methodology and use of technology in education. Her PhD focused on how educational design is communicated to students and how it is interpreted by the students in a higher education context. She has particular interest in science education, research methodology and learning design.

Glenn Mason

Glenn is a member of the blended learning team in the Medical Education Unit, School Of Medicine at Western Sydney University. He is centrally involved in all aspects of blended learning at the School of Medicine from the foundation years, clinical immersion program and various postgraduate courses. His combined understanding of the practice and theoretical foundations of learning design has led to curriculum development and teaching opportunities at a tertiary level in the field of online learning design and he has also taught in the Medicine in Context program at Western Sydney University. His PhD is on online learning, adult education and type 2 diabetes.

Improving the undergraduate science experience through an evidence-based framework for design, implementation and evaluation of flipped learning

Concise paper

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Yvonne Davila
University of Technology Sydney

Elaine Huber
University of Technology Sydney

Jorge Reyna
University of Technology Sydney

Peter Meier
University of Technology Sydney

Catch this session

Monday 4 December,  1.30pm - 1.50pm
Stream 2
Room R113


Flipped Learning (FL) is a student-centred pedagogical approach where new content is introduced prior to class which permits more time during class for active learning. Despite the growing body of evidence of the effectiveness of FL, many educators are reluctant to adopt this approach to teaching or are unsure of how to implement FL in their classes. Many students are uncertain of how to adapt their approaches to learning to a FL curriculum. In response to these challenges and calls for a robust framework to guide the design and implementation of FL, we developed the Flipped Teacher and Flipped Learner (FTFL) Framework based on the pedagogical literature. This paper reports on the use of our FTFL framework in the redesign of a large first year science subject from a traditional delivery to a FL delivery. We evaluated the efficacy of the redesign using a mixed methods approach with data on students’ interactions with FL activities, and student and educator experiences. Findings from two iterations of the redesign indicate successful implementation of FL through high student engagement with online and class materials, and positive feedback from students and academics. Using the FTFL framework to guide the design and integration of FL, with an emphasis on clear communication, is key to our successful FL intervention and support of student learning.

About the authors

Yvonne Davila

Dr Yvonne Davila is a Lecturer in Higher Education Learning Design in the Faculty of Science at the University of Technology Sydney. Yvonne collaborates with academics to develop curricula that motivate and enhance student learning of key scientific concepts and skills. Her work focuses on how best to use blended learning innovations to support science students in higher education, particularly in their first year of university. Yvonne has led FYE and T&L projects and is a long-term member of the UTS First Year Experience Strategy team. In 2016 Yvonne was awarded a UTS Teaching and Learning Award for her work on developing and supporting academic and professional communication skills in first year Science through an embedded, student-centred, flipped learning approach.

Elaine Huber

Elaine Huber works at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. She is a senior lecturer in Higher Education Learning Design and works with academics in the Faculty of Science to help them innovate their teaching curriculum. She has a passion for integrating technologies through blended approaches such as the flipped classroom. Elaine is also investigating the praxis of evaluating small-scale learning and teaching projects in higher education for her PhD in Education.

Jorge Reyna

Jorge Reyna is a Lecturer in Higher Education Learning Design in the Faculty of Science at UTS. Jorge is focused on using digital media as an assessment tool to foster deep learning and digital media literacy. Additionally, his area of interest includes flipped classrooms, development of desktop recording lectures that are interactive and engaging for students and inclusive design applied to online learning.

Peter Meier

Associate Professor Peter Meier is the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Science, UTS. Peter has over 20 years of academic experience including subject coordination, program directorship and leadership roles at Faculty level. Peter has overseen the Faculty wide curriculum review whereby all Science subjects were redesigned to align with the university’s learning.futures initiative. Most recently, Peter led the UTS chapter of the ‘WIL in Science: Leadership for WIL’ Lighthouse Project, which developed an integrated Faculty strategy to extend work-integrated learning (WIL) activities in science and related degrees through curriculum renewal, scaling and development of individual placement programs.

Using Cultural-Historical Activity Theory to describe a university-wide blended learning Initiative

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Anselm Paul
Victoria University, Melbourne Australia

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 12pm - 12.30pm
Stream 2
Room R113


Institution-wide evaluations of Blended Learning implementations are rare. Even less common are evaluations that report the sociocultural context in which the implementation is embedded. Recently, an Australian university in the western region of Victoria, embarked on an ambitious initiative to blend all course units over a three-year period. Stemming from a rigorous analysis of reporting documents and participant-researcher observations, an attempt has been made to describe the sociocultural context of this blended learning initiative through the lens of Engestrom’s Cultural-historical Activity Theory (CHAT). This description, along with the challenges surfaced, will serve as a precursor to the university-wide evaluation that is currently on-going. The objective of the analysis is to rectify the complex processes, intricate relationships and dynamic environmental elements, which tend not to be captured by impact evaluations. Understanding what is going on will enable the University to situate evaluation findings in the context of factors that might have helped or hampered the achievement of outcomes, and remediate process-related problems in a timely manner. Staff Capacity and Engagement, a recognition of the collaborative nature of blended learning with clear accountability and communication strategies were a few of the factors that surfaced, which could make or break ‘the Blend’, if not adequately addressed. This paper argues for the necessity of process evaluations of blended learning implementations and the value of grounding these on ontological realities captured by accountability reports and observational data.

About the authors

Anselm Paul

Having worked with the Ministry of Education, Singapore for more than 10 years on diverse portfolios, Anselm is currently a Learning Designer with Victoria University, where he is also overseeing the evaluation of the Blended Learning Project. A qualified secondary school teacher, he has an Honours in Computer Science (University of Melbourne), a computing degree (Monash University) and a Masters in Learning Sciences & Technologies (Nanyang Technological University). His research interests include Programme Evaluation, Personal Epistemology and, the Technology Integration (and non-Integration) practices of educators.

Using the perceptions of online university students to improve the pedagogy and practice of distance educators: Them helping us to improve IT

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David Bolton
West Chester University

Maria Northcote
Avondale College of Higher Education

Peter Kilgour
Avondale College of Higher Education

Jason Hinze
Avondale College of Higher Education

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 11am - 11.30am
Stream 5
Room C204


This paper reports on the findings of an investigation into the experiences of distance education students, including both undergraduate and postgraduate students from one higher education institution, Avondale College of Higher Education. All of the institution’s current students who were enrolled in a distance course or who had previously completed a distance component of their course were surveyed using an online questionnaire. A subgroup of this population also contributed to focus group discussions. Findings from an analysis of the combined data gathered from the online questionnaire and the focus group were used to inform the institution’s professional development (PD) program that supports lecturers to design and teach online courses. Results of the study are outlined in terms of distance students’ perceptions about the institution’s distance education program, specifically in relation to course structure, interaction and communication, presentation of materials, use of media and design consistency. The paper concludes with recommendations for addressing the weaknesses of online learning programs including both curriculum design and PD strategies.

About the authors

David Bolton

David L. Bolton, Ph.D. graduated with his master’s degree in research and statistical methodology from Andrews University in Michigan, and his Ph.D. in research and measurement from Florida State University. He has been teaching at West Chester University since 1991. The courses and workshops he has taught include evaluation and measurement, research methods, statistics, and educational technology. His primary focus of research has been the power of educational technology to engage students in the learning process. In 2016, he spend his sabbatical at Avondale College of Higher Education as a visiting scholar. He has been teaching distance education courses through West Chester University since 2011, focusing upon research and statistics.

Maria Northcote

Associate Professor Maria Northcote is the Director of the Centre for Advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at Avondale College of Higher Education. She is an experienced higher education teacher, leader and researcher and is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education, and professional development. Her current research interests include threshold concepts, online learning, assessment and mathematics education.

Peter Kilgour

Dr Peter Kilgour is a senior lecturer and Director of the Christian Education Research Centre at Avondale College of Higher Education. He has 39 years experience in the Christian education as a secondary teacher, school principal, school system director and more recently lecturer and researcher in pre-service teacher education of Avondale College of Higher Education. He has taught in five different countries and written the secondary mathematics curriculum for two of those. He holds a Doctor of Mathematics Education from Curtin University in Perth. His research interests include Christian school learning environments, innovations in tertiary learning and teaching, online education and cultural awareness in tertiary students.

Jason Hinze

Dr Jason Hinze is a lecturer and Secondary Course Convenor at Avondale College of Higher Education. For the past 20 years he has made significant contributions towards Education as a Secondary Teacher, Community Educator and Initial Teacher Educator in Australia, Cambodia, England, India and Nepal. His current research interests include wellbeing education and the power of overseas professional teaching experiences on the development of pre-service teachers.

Using threshold concepts about online teaching to support novice online teachers: Designing professional development guidelines to individually assist academic staff (“me”) and collectively guide the institution (“us”)

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Maria Northcote
Avondale College of Higher Education

Kevin Gosselin
HonorHealth Research Institute, Arizona, USA

Peter Kilgour
Avondale College of Higher Education, NSW, Australia

Catherine McLoughlin
Australian Catholic University, ACT, Australia

Chris Boddey
Avondale College of Higher Education, NSW, Australia

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 10.30am - 11am
Stream 2
Room R113


As online learning expands across the higher education sector, individual university lecturers are required to take on roles that incorporate responsibilities for designing and teaching online courses. Their growing capacities to fulfil these roles are sometimes supported by professional development (PD) programs within their institutions while some staff engage in staff development activities outside their home institutions. These programs and activities may take place within Communities of Practice (CoPs) while others are conducted on an individual basis. While much research has been undertaken into the field of online teaching and learning, including investigations into the most useful technological tools to incorporate into the design of online courses, the design of PD curricula to support the needs of novice teachers of online courses has not been as extensively explored. This paper reports on the outcomes of an Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) funded project which purposely set out to identify the threshold concepts about online teaching that university lecturers develop as they engage in both the individual and communal aspects of designing and teaching online courses. The paper explains how the identification of threshold concepts about online teaching informed the development of a set of curriculum guidelines for the PD of novice online teachers. Recommendations for the design of PD for individual teachers (at the “me” level) are provided along with recommendations for the institution (at the “us” level).

About the authors

Maria Northcote

Associate Professor Maria Northcote is the Director of the Centre for Advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at Avondale College of Higher Education. She is an experienced higher education teacher, leader and researcher and is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education, and professional development. Some of her research interests include threshold concepts, educational technology, online teaching and professional learning.

Kevin Gosselin

Kevin Gosselin holds a Ph.D. degree in educational psychology from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX in 2009. He has held academic appointments as adjunct faculty at Texas Tech University from 2008-2010, a lecturer at The University of Texas at Austin in 2010, and as Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at The University of Texas at Tyler from 2010-2013. In 2013, he was appointed as Assistant Dean for Research and Evidence Based-Practice and Associate Professor in the College of Nursing at Texas A&M Health Science Center. He is currently the Director of Academics and Biostatistics at HonorHealth Research Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona. His research involves distance education, faculty development, research methodology and applied performance psychology.

Peter Kilgour

Dr Peter Kilgour is the Director of the Christian Education Research Centre and a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Business and Science at Avondale College of Higher Education. His research areas include teacher education, innovative learning and teaching, assessment in work integrated learning, cultural awareness and mathematics education. He is an educator of 35 years’ experience in four different countries. As a former secondary mathematics teacher, school principal, and school system CEO, he has a passion for innovative learning and has worked to implement this in the higher education setting, in online and on-campus modes. His current teaching responsibilities include multicultural education and professional development for pre-service teachers.

Catherine McLoughlin

Catherine McLoughlin is an Associate Professor with the Faculty of Education at the Australian Catholic University, Canberra. With over 30 years of experience in higher education in Europe, South East Asia, the Middle East, and Australia, she has experience and expertise in a variety of educational settings, with diverse students and across a wide range of cultural contexts. Catherine’s research focuses on e-learning, technology enabled pedagogy in higher education, curriculum design, and global trends in education and teacher professional development. Her current research interests include the use of social networking tools to support learning, networked learning in higher education and knowledge creation processes.

Chris Boddey

Chris Boddey provides eLearning support to teaching staff across the Avondale College of Higher Education campuses and lectures at the Avondale Business School. Chris has a professional background across primary, secondary and tertiary education in both Queensland and New South Wales. Chris has been involved in supporting educational technology innovation for over thirty years and has utilised his experience in education to capitalise on business opportunities in education throughout his career. He has operated a small business in the education sector for over fifteen years and has twenty years’ experience in school governance. Chris is keenly aware of the challenges associated with the changing face of twenty-first century education in a variety of educational settings. His research interests include: professional development curriculum design and delivery, facilitating authentic blended learning environments and addressing barriers to effective ICT integration in education.

Variations in coherence and engagement in students’ experience of blended learning

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Feifei Han
The University of Sydney

Robert Ellis
The University of Sydney

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 11.30am - 12pm
Stream 4
Room L209


We report a study which examines variations in coherence and engagement of 344 first year engineering students’ blended learning experience. Using self-report and observational data sources, we demonstrate that student perceptions of the blended learning environment, academic learning outcomes, and actual engagement with the online learning activities are logically related at the variable level as shown by correlation analysis; and at the level of student groupings of similar learning experience and behaviors, as revealed by cluster, ANOVA, and 2 x 2 contingency analyses. Using self-report data, we found that when students perceived the learning activities in the f2f and online environments were coherent and integrated, they tended to be more engaged with the online learning and to perform relatively higher on the assessment tasks than students with negative perceptions. Using the observational data, students who were more engaged with the online learning tended to perceive that the online learning was well integrated with the f2f learning, that the online contributions were valuable for the whole learning experience, and achieved relatively higher than less engaged students. A 2 x 2 contingency table further revealed a logical relationship between the groupings of students based on the self-report and observational data: moderate and positive association was found between students with coherent perceptions and more engagement; and between students with fragmented perceptions and less engagement with the learning experience. The use of multiple data sources and methods enabled triangulation, strengthened analysis power, and offered a more comprehensive picture of students’ blended learning experience.

About the authors

Feifei Han

Feifei Han currently is an educational researcher at the University of Sydney. Her current research interests comprise of three broad themes: (1) language and literacy education; (2) teaching, learning, and educational technology in higher education, and (3) educational psychology.

Robert Ellis

Robert Ellis is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of Sydney. He has been a funded chief investigative researcher for the Australian Research Council since 2005. His current project is funded up until 2019 (with Goodyear and others). Robert’s research interests focus on the student and teaching experience of e-learning, quality and innovation in higher education and learning spaces. He is author of two books and more than eighty internationally refereed publications, mostly in journal articles. He is also a coordinating editor of the Springer Journal ‘Higher Education’, and co-editor of the new book series for Springer ‘Understanding Teaching and Learning practice’. The goal of his research and scholarship is to achieve meaningful social contributions through translational research outcomes.

Women and rural people’s participation in tertiary education through internet resources in India: A narrative inquiry

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Sandeep Kaur Sandhu
Monash University, Australia

Catch this session

Wednesday 6 December, 11.30am - 12pm
Stream 5
Room C204


India has a large formal higher education system, however, the enrolment of women and rural people in universities is not substantial. Women enrolment in tertiary education was reported only 41.5% of the total enrolment in the academic year 2010-2011 and only 7% population in rural areas have a higher education. Many socio-cultural barriers prevent people from accessing higher education in India. The integration of the Internet into the higher education sector has the potential to improve access to tertiary education in India regardless gender and area. Using personal narrative and interview data, this article explores how Internet resources can be used to enhance women and rural people’s participation in tertiary education in India.

About the authors

Sandeep Kaur Sandhu

Dr Sandeep Kuar Sandhu is a Sessional Lecturer at Monash University, Australia and a casual research assistant at RMIT University, Australia. Sandeep was awarded her PhD on the use of educational technology in higher education settings from Monash University in 2016. Dr Sandeep Sandhu has special expertise in use of ICT in higher education, mixed-method approaches in educational researches, teacher education, narrative inquiries and the Social Construction of Technology theory. Sandeep has almost eight years of multicultural experience of teaching and research in tertiary education in Australia, UK and India.

Improving transnational and industry-supported student engagement through immersive videoconferencing in a 3D virtual environment

Innovation Award (2016)

Sasha Nikolic
University of Wollongong

Mark Lee
Charles Sturt University

Christian Ritz
University of Wollongong

Farzad Safaei
University of Wollongong

Tom Goldfinch
University of Wollongong

Wanqing Li
University of Wollongong

Catch this session

Tuesday 5 December, 12pm - 12.30pm
Stream 5
Room C204


The aim of this project has been to use a novel immersive video collaboration technology to enhance the learning experience of transnational students, and to facilitate student interaction and engagement with their peers and with industry representatives. The goals are twofold: firstly, to afford offshore-enrolled students (those studying at overseas satellite campuses and partner institutions) equivalent learning experiences to locally enrolled students by emulating the essence of a single university campus environment, irrespective of their physical location; and secondly, to provide relevant and authentic learning opportunities for all students through real-time involvement of professionals and other subject-matter experts.

About the authors

Sasha Nikolic

Sasha Nikolic received the B.E. (telecommunications) in 2001 and PhD in Engineering Education in 2017 from the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia. He spent several years in industry and then in 2006 commenced as Laboratory Manager, involved in improving and developing the teaching laboratories and sessional teaching staff with the University of Wollongong. In 2014, he became an Associate Lecturer in engineering education and in 2016 a Lecturer. Dr Nikolic became Chair of the NSW Chapter of the IEEE Education Society in 2014. He won a university Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning Award in 2011. In 2012, he was awarded a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning as part of the Australian Awards for University Teaching. In 2016, he also received awards for his contribution to engineering education through the IEEE, AAEE and ASCILITE.

Mark Lee

Christian Ritz

Farzad Safaei

Tom Goldfinch

Wanqing Li

The Student Relationship Engagement System: Empowering teachers to collect, analyse, and act on meaningful data to engage students at scale

Innovation Award (2016)

Danny Liu
The University of Sydney

Kevin Samnick
The University of Sydney

Ruth Weeks
The University of Sydney

Adam Bridgeman
The University of Sydney

Catch this session

Tuesday 5 December, 12pm - 12.30pm
Stream 1
Room H102


The Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES) was developed at the University of Sydney to help academics personalise engagement with large student cohorts. Academics consistently report that positive feedback from students "shows how helpful the SRES is in allowing us to give the kind of personalised attention to students that time wouldn't otherwise allow". From marking attendance, analysing grades, collecting live feedback, and providing easy ways to personalise bulk feedback to students via emails and web portals, the SRES gives academics access to data that are meaningful in their contexts and helps them to create personalised learning environments with targeted feedback and support. This unique and inherently practical application of learning analytics is currently used across 20 departments in over 120 units and reaches over 20,000 students at the University of Sydney. It has been credited with increasing student engagement, improving retention rates, and enhancing students’ learning outcomes. The SRES is also being piloted at a number of other Australian universities, and we are keen for more collaborators. In this presentation, you will use the SRES live, hear about its implementation, wider adoption, and impact, and explore how it could impact students in your contexts.

About the authors

Danny Liu

Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A national teaching award winner, he focuses on wrangling technology to improve learning and teaching by working at the confluence of educational technology, student engagement, learning analytics, and professional development and leadership.


Kevin Samnick

Kevin is an Educational Designer with a background in secondary STEM teaching, pharmaceutical research, and biology. He is an advocate for education, learning, technology, and ensuring students and teachers are our first priority in higher education.

Ruth Weeks

Ruth is an Educational Design Manager with a background in teaching English as a foreign language and academic writing. She is passionate about teaching with technology and the future of digital education.

Adam Bridgeman

Adam is Director of Educational Innovation at the University of Sydney and has received institutional and national awards for teaching and is an Australian National Teaching Fellow. He aims to invigorate and change learning and teaching culture through a focus on blended, collaborative, and interactive learning designs.

Learning analytics: What's in it for me (the teacher) and us (myself and my students)?

Lightning round

Cathy Gunn
University of Auckland

Claire Donald
University of Auckland

Jenny McDonald
University of Auckland

Catch this session

Monday 4 December, 2.30pm - 3pm
Stream 2
Room R113


Like many emergent trends in learning technology the potential for learning analytics to benefit teaching and learning is being explored with promising results. However adoption is a slow process and the level of impact on practice is so far disappointing (O’Brien, 2016). Our research found that institutions, researchers and teachers have different perceptions and use different language to talk about learning analytics. We will briefly discuss why this lack of common discourse is a barrier to progress, and runs the risk of ending in more failed expectations such as those described in the annual Gartner Hype Cycle Reports .
In three short presentations, we will describe examples of learning analytics tools and strategies developed to promote their adoption in practice by teachers and learning designers. A guiding principle is to produce easy to use tools that teachers can use or adapt to their own practice (Datnow & Hubbard, 2016; Ferguson et al., 2016). The tools must also serve a useful purpose, e.g. by supporting common tasks or addressing common challenges, and aligning with familiar teaching and assessment cycles.
Links will be provided to the open source tools and creative commons licensed resources produced by a nationally funded learning analytics research project in New Zealand.

About the authors

Cathy Gunn

Cathy Gunn is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR) at the University of Auckland. She has been the Head of eLearning, Deputy Director, Acting Director and Principal Researcher, and produced more than 130 scholarly publications. She is an experienced learning technology researcher and an active contributor to international networks. She is a former President and life member of Ascilite.

Claire Donald

Claire Donald is a lecturer and learning designer at the Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education (CLeaR) at the University of Auckland. She has 25 years’ experience as a learning designer and researcher in higher education, specifically in the fields of science and engineering education, MOOCs, teacher beliefs, learning analytics and learning design.

Jenny McDonald

Jenny McDonald is an independent researcher and a Research Associate at the Centre for Learning and Research (CLeaR), University of Auckland. Jenny has particular research interests in natural language processing techniques for formative feedback and learning analytics but she is broadly interested in the applications